The Bee Gees were once one of the most successful and popular musical acts in the world. Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb were the group’s three brothers.
The brothers’ personal lives were as exciting as their spectacular ones as musicians. Only one of the three brothers that comprised the musical act is still alive, and he recently disclosed something quite unusual.
While his work life has been filled with great success, his personal life has been fraught with many terrible tragedies. He lost both of his brothers from the Bee Gees. His love life was also a persistent source of misery for him until he met Linda Gray, the former Miss Edinburgh.
They clicked and married on September 1, 1970. They’ve been through thick and thin together since then. But there was a difficult period in between when a successful actor had his sights set on Gray and was attempting to steal her away from Gibb.

The brothers all struggled with fame and turned to drugs to help them cope. Andy, Gibb’s younger brother, died in 1988 at the age of 30. Maurice followed in 2003, but died during surgery. According to sources, Barry and Maurice were not speaking at the time of his death. Finally, Robin died in 2012 as a result of cancer.
Because to his wife, Barry Gibb was able to get through it all without relying on substances or succumbing to addiction.
He said once, “My brothers had to deal with their demons, but I was married to a lady who wasn’t going to have it.” He explained, “I could bring drugs into the house, but they would end up down the toilet. She never allowed me to go in that direction. I had to deal with my brothers being pretty much out there, but I was lucky.”
“I’ve had to deal with loss, not just my brothers but my mother and father. But what I’ve learned from all of it is that things just roll on, and you roll on with them.” After he lost his brothers, Gibb embarked on his solo career.

Gibb was previously married to Maureen Bates before marrying Gray. It was his first marriage, lasting four years. Their divorce was finalized in July 1970, just two months before he married Gray. His marriage to Gray, on the other hand, has weathered the test of time. She stood by him through his most difficult losses.