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Renowned American actress Rachel Ward gained fame through her role in the 1983 series “The Thorn Birds.”

Despite being in her mid-60s, fans argue that she hasn’t aged much since her iconic appearance in the series.

Ward not only found fame in “The Thorn Birds” but also love. She and her husband, Bryan Brown, met on set, and their on-screen romance evolved into a real-life connection.

Playing the lead in the series, with Bryan Brown as her on-screen husband, their fictional relationship blossomed into reality, although their initial attraction was “basic.”

Married for four decades, Ward and Brown’s enduring love story began a few months after the filming of “The Thorn Birds” concluded.

Ward, grateful for the opportunities the show brought into her life, particularly values the enduring marriage with Brown.

While shooting together, Brown read Ward’s palm, predicting she would have three children. Later, he humorously clarified that he didn’t specify they would be his.

Their decision to marry had an unconventional origin. During a heated argument in Ireland, Brown suggested that if they were going to argue so intensely, they might as well get married. They tied the knot in Ward’s childhood home before settling in Sydney, Australia.

Celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary in April 2023, Ward and Brown have openly shared the secrets of their enduring and happy marriage. Ward, at 65, continues to showcase ageless beauty.

In February 2023, Ward shared a photo from the premiere of her movie “Rachel’s Farm” at the Santa Barbara Film Festival. Fans marveled at her stunning appearance, with some describing her as a “goddess” and “fantastic.”

Beyond her acting career, Ward, along with Brown, built a family. They have two daughters, Rosie and Matilda, and a son named Joe, all of whom pursued acting. Matilda also ventured into directing.

Matilda, at 36, has credits in “Lessons from the Grave” and “How God Works.” Rosie, at 39, appeared in “Luther,” “Black Mirror,” and “See How They Run.” Joe, 31, starred in “Rake” and “Let’s Talk About.”

Proud grandparents, Ward and Brown welcomed their first grandchild, Zan, in 2019, delivered with Brown in the room, an unexpected yet cherished moment.

Despite careers slowing down and children finding their paths, Ward and Brown’s marriage remains strong. They cherish moments spent with family, treating them as sacred.

The couple, now with more time on their hands, shares a passion for horseback riding. This shared interest has taken them to various locations worldwide, from Bulgaria to Canada and Israel, with plans for more horseriding trips, even in New Zealand.

Beyond outdoor activities, the couple enjoys cozy nights watching British TV shows. Brown jokingly shared his philosophy for a lasting marriage, advising men to always say ‘Yes’ to their wives and, if anything goes wrong, say ‘It’s my fault.’

This philosophy, coupled with shared passions and a deep love, has contributed to Ward and Brown’s enduring marriage. The couple often showcases their happiness and love on social media, where Ward proudly displays her husband, emphasizing their beautiful and lasting connection.

A Hollywood Legend’s Disappointment

Robert De Niro, the renowned actor known for his candid views on politics and societal issues, has expressed his deep frustration with the current state of affairs in America. In a heartfelt statement, De Niro has revealed his plans to leave the country, citing a lack of respect as one of the main reasons behind this decision.

A Time When Respect Existed

“There was a time when there was respect here. Now, I don’t see it anymore,” laments De Niro, highlighting the erosion of respect and values in American society. As a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, De Niro believes that the country no longer aligns with his personal values and the level of respect he considers vital.

Searching for a New Home

Although De Niro has not disclosed his intended destination, he assures his fans that finding a place that respects his beliefs and way of life is essential for his peace of mind and overall well-being. This decision marks a significant moment, as it reflects the sentiment of many others who also feel disillusioned with the current state of the nation.

A Hollywood Legend’s Departure

Robert De Niro’s departure from America is not only a loss for Hollywood but also a reflection of the broader sentiments of those who share his frustrations. Throughout his illustrious career, De Niro has not only been a legendary actor but also a vocal advocate for causes he believes in. His decision prompts us to consider the importance of respect in public discourse and the need for constructive dialogue in society.

Mixed Reactions

The public response to De Niro’s announcement has been diverse. Some understand and support his frustrations, while others perceive his choice as overly dramatic. Nevertheless, De Niro remains resolute in his decision, hoping to find a place that resonates more closely with his values.

An older woman leading a solitary life in a nursing home unexpectedly receives visits from her relatives after inheriting a $2.3 million fortune, only for them to face karma and learn a lesson the hard way.

Lola Simpson sat in a wheelchair, admiring the small garden through the window of her room at Big Hearts Nursing Home. Yet another year had passed, but Lola’s life saw no significant changes. Her daughter, Natalie, and son-in-law, Roger, didn’t return her calls and didn’t bother to check on her again that year.

Exactly six years ago, when Lola was 80, her health began failing her. She needed assistance with the most basic tasks and could barely get things done on her own. Lola had always been a lively and cheery woman, but who could beat the effects of aging?

When Natalie realized she’d have to care for her ailing mother, she just kicked her out to live in a nursing home, then settled in her mother’s house with her husband. That time, Natalie very enthusiastically promised Lola that she would visit her often, but year after year, Lola just kept waiting and neither Roger nor Natalie showed up.

One day, Lola was very upset. She had a small family album that she’d brought with her when she was admitted to the nursing home, and as she was looking through the pictures of her and Natalie in them, her tears wouldn’t stop falling.

A young nurse named Mary saw Lola crying and her heart went out to the poor woman.

“Mrs. Simpson,” she said, approaching her. “Can I help you? Are you okay?”

Lola shook her head, wiping her tears. “What do I tell you, darling? This year, my daughter didn’t visit me again. I’ve been waiting for her visit for six years now. Every year, my heart wonders if I’m wasting my time waiting for her. Will she even show up?”

Mary sighed, unsure of how to comfort the older woman. She had heard Lola’s story from the other nurses when she started working at the nursing home. She knew Lola’s daughter and son-in-law had evicted her from her home and had never visited her. She had to do something to cheer up Lola’s mood.

So Mary forced a smile and said, “You see, Mrs. Simpson, they say that patience always bears fruit. I am sure your life will change one day, and you’ll have so much love around you. Plus, crying doesn’t suit a pretty lady like you. Come on, I want to see a smile on that gorgeous face!”

Lola blushed. “Oh, you really have a way with words, darling. I’m sorry for bothering you with all of my troubles. But you know what? I feel a little better. Thank you for listening to me….”

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Simpson. I’m around if you ever need someone to listen to your worries. In exchange, I might just ask you for some beauty tips on how you have such beautiful skin!” she joked and Lola chuckled.

“I don’t think an old soul like me can take any more of that flattery. I was wondering if….” Lola began talking to Mary about the things on her mind, having forgotten all her troubles.

That night at home, Mary couldn’t take Lola out of her head. She was feeling terrible for the woman and had an idea in the back of her mind to help her. But for it to work, she needed to talk to her husband first.

“Josh,” she began while they were having dinner. “I know we have a lot on our plates with a small home and three children to look after, but there’s a woman at the nursing home where I work, and she’s really lonely. I was wondering if we could take her in.”

Josh lowered his fork and pursed his lips. “We can’t, darling,” he flatly refused. “We’re already straining to make ends meet. That would put us under too much stress.”

You can’t sow the seeds of bitterness and expect to grow a plant of love.
“But, honey, her family kicked her out. She has no one to care for her. Of course, the nurses are there, but she longs for a family. I’m not putting any pressure on you, but—”

“What did you say? She was kicked out?”

Mary nodded. “And her son-in-law and daughter never visited her after. She hopes they will come to see her someday. She’s been waiting for 6 years…I doubt they’ll come.”

At that point, Josh regretted refusing Mary. He remembered how his mother was all alone in her final days since he was too busy working to support his family and rarely visited her. Josh couldn’t bear the thought of someone else spending their final days in such grief and misery, so he agreed to Mary’s request.

“Alright,” he sighed. “I guess we’ll somehow manage….”

After the documentation was done and Lola came to Mary’s home, Lola felt like her life had gotten another chance. She loved being around Mary’s kids, who called her grandma, and Josh and Mary loved and respected her so much.

Lola lived in Josh and Mary’s house for several months, and she forgot about her troubles. She was finally happy and Mary was delighted to see her that way.

One morning, Lola received a letter and immediately recognized the sender’s address. “You look really happy, Mrs. Simpson. What is the letter about?” Mary asked her as she saw her running her hand smoothly on the letter’s envelope and smiling.

“Oh, it’s from someone special, darling. Just a minute….”

Lola opened the letter to read it and her tears did not stop. It was a letter notifying her that she had inherited $2.3 million from none other than her older stepbrother, Morgan, who had obtained Mary’s address through Lola’s lawyer.

The thing was, Morgan had promised their mother that he would always look after his younger sister, Lola. Sadly, he was bedridden for a long time, and now that the doctor had told him he only had a few months to live, he decided to leave his money to Lola because he didn’t have his own family.

Word reached Natalie and Roger that Lola had become a millionaire after Lola’s lawyer visited Lola’s home for some formalities, only to learn she was in a nursing facility. The couple decided to take Lola back in, but when they went to the nursing home to get her, they learned Lola had left the facility several months ago.

“But where did she go?” Natalie asked the receptionist, confused.

The receptionist slid a slip toward her and said, “She’s somewhere she deserves to be. I’m giving you this address so that you learn that your mother doesn’t need you to be happy!”

When Natalie and Roger arrived at Mary’s house, they pretended to be the lovely relatives they weren’t. But Lola was having none of it and slammed the door in their face. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you,” she told them. “My daughter and son-in-law don’t let strangers in, so please leave….”

In the end, Natalie and Roger got what they deserved, and so did Lola. Through Mary, she received a priceless treasure: a loving family. In gratitude, Lola decided to leave her riches to Mary’s family after her death. Meanwhile, she sued Natalie and Roger, claiming her right to her house, and though the lawsuit took time, she won.

As of now, Lola doesn’t know where Natalie and Roger are and she doesn’t care either. When Morgan left for his heavenly abode, Mary and Josh took care of his funeral arrangements. Lola’s health is doing much better and she is happy with the family she got in Mary, Josh, and their children.

Patsy, 68, shared a heartfelt swimsuit photo from her Miami vacation with husband Donald on Facebook. Unfortunately, her daughter-in-law Janice’s hurtful comment marred the moment, describing Patsy’s body as “wrinkled” and their kiss as “gross.” This deeply wounded Patsy, prompting her to take a stand.

During a family barbecue, Patsy courageously addressed the disrespect. Displaying Janice’s screenshot to the group, she emphasized the importance of respect regardless of age: “Love and kindness should prevail over superficial judgments,” Patsy declared. Janice, visibly ashamed, approached Patsy later to apologize, admitting her mistake: “I’m sorry,” she said earnestly, promising to reflect and change.

Age-shaming, especially within family circles, cuts deep. Patsy’s response reflected her belief in valuing life’s journey, “complete with its wrinkles and greys,” stressing the importance of mutual respect. This incident serves as a poignant reminder that age is merely a number, and everyone deserves dignity and kindness regardless of appearance or age.

Patsy’s approach resonates with many who have faced similar challenges. The episode highlights the lasting impact of words and the power of standing up for oneself with grace and dignity. Ultimately, it encourages us all to reflect on how we treat others, especially in the face of societal pressures and age-related biases.

In a world where appearances often overshadow deeper values, Patsy’s story stands as a testament to resilience and the enduring importance of respect in all relationships. It serves as a call to embrace diversity and celebrate every stage of life with understanding and empathy.

Bo Derek is a treasured memory for children of the 1970s. She was one of the most stunning bombshells of her era, with her signature blonde hair, flaming blue eyes, and braided hairstyles that dispelled any negative connotations associated with them.

Many people have been curious in her life since her brief period of stardom, like where she ended up, why she quit acting, and what her current circumstances are. Let’s see what Bo is getting up to these days.

The Early Years of Bo Derek

Mary Cathleen Collins was born in Long Beach, California, on November 20, 1956, before she became known as Bo Derek. Mary was raised by working-class parents in a typical American household. Her father worked as a sales executive, while her mother was a cosmetics artist. Mary had two areas of great interest when she was a teenager. She was first and foremost an avid horsewoman because she loved horses. She would compete in many events, proudly showcasing her talents. She also cherished acting. To improve those abilities, she decided to take acting classes.

Keith Urban, the talented and charming musician from Australia, has stolen the hearts of millions. But it’s his love story with actress Nicole Kidman that truly captivates us. In a 2007 interview with Vanity Fair, Kidman revealed that she was secretly engaged to someone else when she first met Urban in 2005. Fate had a different plan, though, as the two fell in love and got engaged just three months later.

Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman

Kidman admitted that they didn’t truly know each other until after they were married, but there was an undeniable connection between them from the start. “Meeting at a certain age makes a difference. And I trust my gut instinct,” she said. “From the first minute I met him, there was a feeling of, Ahhh OK, somehow I’ve met home. And he had the same feeling. That was all we had but that was the essence of what we worked from.”

A Love Story That Will Warm Your Heart

Their love story blossomed, and together they welcomed two beautiful girls into the world. But Urban’s journey to becoming the man he is today was also shaped by the influence of his late father, Robert. Sadly, Robert lost his battle with prostate cancer, a disease that also affected other members of Urban’s family, including his uncles.

In 2018, to honor his father’s memory and raise awareness about prostate cancer, Urban attended the “It’s A Bloke Thing” luncheon in Toowoomba. His dedication to the cause was evident as he performed at a fundraiser for prostate cancer awareness, offering his talents for free. The event was a huge success, raising a record-breaking $2,024,000.

These selfless acts exemplify the kind of person Keith Urban is. Not only is he a gifted musician, a loving spouse, and a devoted parent, but he also has a heart of gold. His passion for raising awareness about prostate cancer shows his commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

Let’s celebrate Keith Urban, the man who has touched our hearts with his music and his kind spirit. Share this article with your family and friends on Facebook to spread the love and admiration for this incredible artist. Together, we can make a difference!

While beauty remains subjective, there exists a scientific method to assess the “perfection” of body proportions using a formula based on the golden ratio. Here’s a list of famous women whose body proportions closely align with this ideal:

– Salma Hayek — 88%

– Elle Macpherson — 88.3%

– Cameron Diaz — 91%

– Katy Perry — 92%

– Kelly Brook — 92.9%

– Marilyn Monroe — 94%

– Helen Mirren — 95.6%

– Kim Kardashian — 96.3%

– Scarlett Johansson — 96.4%

These percentages indicate how closely their body proportions match the golden ratio, showcasing their perceived physical harmony according to this mathematical standard.


In a candid and heartfelt revelation, rapper Nelly has opened up about his past relationships, admitting that he dated Shantel Jackson partly because she resembled his former love, Ashanti. The rapper, who has been the subject of much speculation regarding his romantic life, shared his feelings in a recent interview, shedding light on the profound impact Ashanti has had on him.

Rapper Nelly's Girlfriend Shantel Jackson Stuns In Birthday Photos

Nelly, known for his chart-topping hits and charismatic persona, dated actress and model Shantel Jackson for several years. Their relationship, which was frequently in the public eye, ended in 2021. However, it is his relationship with R&B star Ashanti that seems to have left a lasting impression on him.

Nelly's Longtime Girlfriend Shantel Jackson Says Couple Has Broken Up

“I haven’t forgotten Ashanti for a second,” Nelly confessed. “She’s like the rainbow of my life.”

Nelly And Girlfriend Shantel Jackson Call It Quits After 7 Years | Essence

Nelly and Ashanti were one of the most beloved celebrity couples in the early 2000s, captivating fans with their chemistry and mutual support. Their breakup in 2014 left many fans disheartened, but both artists continued to thrive in their careers. Despite moving on with other partners, it seems the bond between Nelly and Ashanti never truly faded.

Nelly & Shantel Jackson Are 'Working Toward' Engagement, Rapper Says She's  'The One' - theJasmineBRAND

In the interview, Nelly explained that while his relationship with Shantel Jackson was genuine, there was an undeniable element of Ashanti’s presence in it. “Shantel is an amazing person, and we shared some great times together. But there was always something about her that reminded me of Ashanti,” he said. “It wasn’t fair to Shantel, and it wasn’t something I realized at the time, but looking back, I can see it now.”


Nelly’s admission highlights the depth of his feelings for Ashanti, suggesting that their connection was unique and irreplaceable. “Ashanti is special,” he continued. “She’s always been a significant part of my life, and that hasn’t changed. She’s like the rainbow that brightens up my world, even when things get tough.”


The rapper’s heartfelt words have reignited hopes among fans for a potential reconciliation between the two stars. While neither Nelly nor Ashanti has confirmed any plans to rekindle their romance, their recent interactions and mutual admiration have kept the speculation alive.


Nelly’s candid revelation comes amid a wave of celebrity transparency, where many stars are choosing to share their true feelings and experiences with the public. His honesty about his past relationships and his enduring affection for Ashanti has been praised by fans and commentators alike, who appreciate his willingness to be vulnerable.


As Nelly and Ashanti continue to navigate their individual paths, their story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of love and relationships. Whether or not they find their way back to each other, the impact they have had on each other’s lives is undeniable.


For now, fans will continue to watch and hope, celebrating the love and memories that Nelly and Ashanti have shared. In a world where relationships often come and go, their enduring connection stands out as a testament to the power of true love and the lasting impression it can leave on our hearts.

After criticizing former president Donald Trump in her song “Don’t Lie to Me,” Barbra Streisand is hitting back again. She says if Trump is re-elected as the Republican candidate for 2024, she plans to leave the United States.

Calling Trump “so stupid” and “ill-informed,” Barbra told Stephen Colbert, “I can’t live in this country if he becomes president.”

This isn’t the first time she’s made this threat, and she’s not the only celebrity who has said they would leave the country if Trump won again. Many others promised to move to Canada, Europe, or even farther away after Trump’s 2016 win, but none followed through.

At 81 years old, Barbra wasn’t trying to be funny when she said, “Yes, Mr. Trump, let’s make America great again. But first, get one thing straight: America was great – before you were elected.”

As a long-time Democratic supporter, she has often expressed her dislike for Trump, calling him “the Liar in Chief” and “the Groper in Chief.”

In 2018, she released her 36th album, “Walls,” which was inspired by Trump’s presidency.

Speaking with the Associated Press about her song, Barbra Streisand said, “I wanted to express the sadness and heartbreak I was feeling.” She added, “I just can’t stand what’s going on. His attack on our democracy, our institutions, and our founders – it feels like we’re in a fight… a war for the soul of America.”

Her Grammy-nominated album, which criticizes Trump’s rule, includes the song “Don’t Lie to Me.” Barbra explained that this song was inspired by the news that made her “sick,” full of lies and craziness.

“I can’t stand being lied to, and I don’t think the country should be lied to either.” She also joked, “And I just couldn’t understand how he could lie so much without feeling any guilt (clearly he’s not Jewish).”

In her 2023 memoir, “My Name is Barbra,” she explains why she feels the need to be politically involved and discusses the tension between politicians and artists.

Shutterstock/Grindstone Media Group

“Why does it make so many people angry when artists speak out?” Babs asks. “Artists, Streisand said, can serve as ‘a country’s conscience.’ Their work gives us a reflection of the times, and sometimes they challenge us to see what others would prefer to ignore. They can give voice to the voiceless, by speaking up when no one else will.”

She adds, “That’s why art is the enemy of tyrants and dictators.”

Offering her powerful voice unfortunately didn’t sway the voting population.

Ahead of the 2016 elections, the Prince of Tides star told the Australian version of 60 Minutes, “He has no facts. I don’t know, I can’t believe it. I’m either coming to your country [Australia], if you’ll let me in, or Canada.”

Credit: Shutterstock

But Barbra Streisand wasn’t the only big-name celebrity who said they would leave the U.S. if Trump became president.

According to The Wrap, comedian George Lopez joked that he would move back to Mexico: “If [Trump] wins, he won’t have to worry about immigration, we’ll all go back.”

Chelsea Handler, who initially said she would leave, changed her mind the day after Trump won. “Yesterday, my staff reminded me that platforms and voices like mine are needed more than ever; leaving the country is quitting,” she said.

Other celebrities had more creative escape plans. Comedian and talk show host Jon Stewart said he would consider going to another planet because “this planet’s gone bonkers.”


After spending “four years in a dark hole,” Barbra Streisand told People in 2021 that she thinks the country is heading in the right direction with President Joe Biden. She praised Biden for his compassion, honesty, integrity, and love of facts over fiction.

In an essay for Variety, Streisand wrote, “Since 2016, we’ve been dragged down into the mud of Trump’s swamp. He has ruined our standing in the world with his ridiculous boasts and shocking ignorance.”

Now, with Trump as the leading Republican candidate for the next election, Streisand is expressing her concerns again. On The Late Show, she told Stephen Colbert that she couldn’t live in a country ruled by someone she calls “so stupid” and “so ill-informed.”

“I can’t live in this country if he becomes president,” she said. If she moves, she’ll likely head to England because “I like England.”

“Trump is a man who has never once taken responsibility for his own actions, preferring to blame others when he’s at fault. Even impeachment hasn’t humbled him, because thanks to his Republican enablers, he has escaped accountability once again,” she writes.

“We need a new America, without pollution, without obscenities, without insults, without revenge. We need to restore the nobility of truth…and only then will America be great again.”

If Streisand circles back to Canada as a new potential home, she’ll have to act quickly as the Republicans are also calling to build a wall along the border of Canada.

What do you think about celebrities using their voices for things that matter? Please share your comments with us and then share this story so we can hear what others have to say!

Tracy Pollan and Michael J. Fox | Tracy Pollan, Michael J. Fox, and their kids | Source: Getty Images

For several decades, legendary Hollywood star Michael J Fox has been a cultural icon, and despite the many challenges he has faced in his life, he seems to have overcome them with the help of his loving wife.

Actor Michael J Fox has his wife, actress, Tracy Pollan to thank for the life he has enjoyed over the last three decades. Fox and Pollan have proven to be an unbeatable pair despite the many challenges.

The couple was only a few years into their marriage when Fox had to break the news of his diagnosis to his wife. Rather than leave, she stayed by his side, and together they have built a wonderful world.

Michael J. Fox and wife Tracy Pollan arrive at the 2017 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter at Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 26, 2017 in Beverly Hills | Source: Getty Images

Michael J. Fox and wife Tracy Pollan arrive at the 2017 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter at Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts on February 26, 2017 in Beverly Hills | Source: Getty Images

Who Are Fox and Pollan

Fox rose to prominence thanks to his role as Alex P. Keaton on the hit sitcom “Family Ties.” He also starred in “Back to the Future” and its sequels, as well as “Teen Wolf,” before making a comeback to television in the 1990s with “Spin City.”

Just as his career progressed, Fox announced in late 1999 that he had been battling Parkinson’s disease since 1991, and he had undergone brain surgery to reduce the tremors caused by the disease.

Despite “Spin City’s” enormous popularity and a slew of Emmy and Golden Globe trophies, Fox stated in early 2000 that he would be quitting the show, which he also executive produced. He wanted to spend more time with his family and focus on Parkinson’s disease research and awareness.

For his final season on “Spin City,” Fox won an Emmy and a Golden Globe, as well as the esteem and support of the Hollywood community. Fox left “Spin City” after its fourth season — and 100th episode — and founded the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research in May 2000.

Michael J. Fox attends HBO's "Very Ralph" World Premiere at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on October 23, 2019 in New York City | Source: Getty Images

Michael J. Fox attends HBO’s “Very Ralph” World Premiere at The Metropolitan Museum of Art on October 23, 2019 in New York City | Source: Getty Images

Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research is a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease and ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with the disease.

The foundation is now regarded as the world’s largest nonprofit funder of Parkinson’s disease medication development.

Fox’s wife, Pollan, has equally had a successful career and has featured in several movies. Like her husband, Pollan prefers to spend time with her family and build memories with their four children.

The actress, who comes from a Russian family, was born in Long Island, New York, on June 22, 1960, and was raised in the Jewish faith, which she considers a crucial part of her life.

She attended the Dalton School in Manhattan, New York, before going to the Herbert Berghof Studio and the Lee Strasberg Institute to study acting.

Following her graduation, Pollan pursued a career in acting and has appeared in several television episodes and films, including “Family Ties,” “Spin City,” “Law & Order,” and “Medium.”

For her role on “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” the actress was nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series in 2000.

How Michael Met Tracy

Although Fox and Pollan have racked up more than thirty years under their belt, neither star knew it would go this far. While their union has been solid, it was not love at first sight.

Pollan confessed that she needed some time to warm up to Fox in an interview. The duo met when Pollan auditioned for and received a role on “Family Ties” in 1985, and they became friends.

Pollan and Fox became great pals, but the actress was dating Kevin Bacon at the time and wasn’t immediately smitten by her co-star. She agreed that he was amusing, but she also thought he was arrogant.

Pollen left “Family Ties” after one season, but they reunited two years later in the film “Bright Lights, Big City.”

Still enthralled, Fox inquired about Pollan’s relationship status during her audition. She told him she was single, and he invited her to lunch; they began dating, and a year later, they married.

Parkinson and Changes

It has been almost three decades since Fox waved drinking goodbye, but it did not happen so easily. The actor once found himself hooked on alcohol as he saw it as his only coping mechanism following his life-changing diagnosis.

Fox awoke one morning in 1990 to see his left pinkie twitching excessively. After visiting a Manhattan physician, he was diagnosed with young-onset Parkinson’s disease in 1991.

After hearing the life-altering news, Fox went home and told his wife, Pollan, in a quiet hallway. They sobbed and embraced each other.

The 61-year-old tried to forget the diagnosis and live an everyday life. Instead, he went against his wife’s advice and accepted any job he could find. Fox ended up leaving himself more vulnerable.

Fox, who had cut back on his drinking when the couple married in 1988, reverted to alcohol to ease the pain, keeping empty bottles from his wife at home. He started isolating himself from his family.

His drinking problem began to take its toll on his young marriage, but it all changed for the actor after he returned home drunk and met a disappointed wife. He decided to change and drop his old habits.

Through Thick and Thin

Fox and Pollan’s marriage was still in its early stages when he was diagnosed, but the actress opted to stay by his side despite the seeming difficulty. The actor once gushed over his wife for her commitment to him, calling her his best friend.

Fox revealed that Pollan was often honest with him and never cut him slack. He described her as affectionate, kind, intelligent, and with a nice sense of humor.

How Michael’s Kids Treat Him

Fox believes he won the lottery with his supportive family. The actor enjoys having the love and care of his wife and children. The actor revealed that he opened up about his situation with his children, and it has had little effect on his family.

Couple Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan with their kids attend A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Cure Parkinson's benefitting The Michael J. Fox Foundation on November 16, 2019. | Source: Getty Images

Couple Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan with their kids attend A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Cure Parkinson’s benefitting The Michael J. Fox Foundation on November 16, 2019. | Source: Getty Images

His kids rarely mention his condition and treat him with respect and love. Fox continues to live a normal life with his children, going on movies and family vacations despite his condition.

Couple Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan with their kids attend he Academy Of Television Arts & Sciences 2012 Creative Arts Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre L.A. Live on September 15, 2012. | Source: Getty Images

Couple Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan with their kids attend he Academy Of Television Arts & Sciences 2012 Creative Arts Emmy Awards at the Nokia Theatre L.A. Live on September 15, 2012. | Source: Getty Images

The Key to a Happy Marriage

Like many couples, Fox and Pollan have ugly moments, but they have decided to see the beauty in their union, which has helped them stick together for 36 years. The couple is still in love and is often spotted hanging out.

Couple Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan with their kids attend the local premiere of Walt Disney Pictures'' "Atlantis: The Lost Empire" June 6, 2001. | Source: Getty Images

Couple Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan with their kids attend the local premiere of Walt Disney Pictures” “Atlantis: The Lost Empire” June 6, 2001. | Source: Getty Images

Speaking on the secret of their union, the couple cited understanding each other’s perspective and intentions has been key. Also, Pollan considers Fox the funniest man she has ever known, so it is easy to get him on her good side.