
Flashout News


Returning from a two-week trip, Victoria came home to a nightmare: her vibrant yellow house painted by her late husband’s loving hands had been repainted by her nosy neighbors. Enraged by their audacity, she decided to fight back and taught them a lesson they would never forget.

Hey folks, I’m Victoria, sweet 57… and I’m curious. Imagine pulling into your driveway after a long trip, only to see a completely different house staring back at you. That’s exactly what happened to me recently, and let me tell you, I’m still fuming…

A mature woman driving a car | Source: Pexels

A mature woman driving a car | Source: Pexels

I live on a corner lot. Two years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Davis, a newlywed couple, moved into the house next door. Right from the start, they made snide comments about my bright yellow house.

They would laugh and say, “Whoa! That’s the brightest house we’ve ever seen! Did you paint it yourself?”

“Yup, me and a gallon of sunshine!” I’d say, shutting them up. “What do you think? Should I paint the mailbox next?”

A bright yellow house | Source: Midjourney

A bright yellow house | Source: Midjourney

But let me tell you, those two next door wouldn’t stop harassing me about the house color. Every time Mr. Davis walked by, he’d have to crack a joke.

“Bright enough for you, Victoria?!” he’d sneer, nudging his wife who’d chime in with a cackle like a hyena.

A man laughing | Source: Pexels

A man laughing | Source: Pexels

She wasn’t any better. Instead of the jokes, she’d just fix me with this pitying look and say, “Victoria, have you ever thought about changing it? Maybe something more… neutral?”

Like my house was some kind of an eyesore and needed its personality surgically removed.

Their disdain was clear from the beginning. They acted as if my house’s color was a plate of rainbow sprinkles served at a funeral.

A woman laughing | Source: Pexels

A woman laughing | Source: Pexels

One day, Mrs. Davis marched up to me while I was planting petunias. Her smile was about as bright as a rainy Tuesday, and she pointed a manicured finger at my house.

“That color is just an eyesore… it clashes with everything, Victoria! It’s gotta go. How about something like… beige… for a change?” she declared.

A woman staring at something | Source: Pexels

A woman staring at something | Source: Pexels

Clutching a watering can, I raised an eyebrow.

“Goodness, Mrs. Davis, is that what all the commotion outside is about? I thought a UFO had landed judging by the expressions on everyone’s faces. But it’s just a little paint!”

“Just a little paint? It looks like a giant banana landed in our neighborhood! Think about your property value! Surely you can see how… garish it is!” she frowned.

A mature woman in the garden | Source: Pexels

A mature woman in the garden | Source: Pexels

I shook my head, trying to stay calm. “There’s no law against it, Mrs. Davis. I like it yellow. It’s my late husband’s favorite color.”

Her face turned beet red. “This isn’t over by a long shot, Victoria!” she snapped before storming off.

Mrs. Prim and Proper and Mr. Boring just couldn’t handle my happy yellow house. They whined to the police about the “blinding” color, complained to the city about a “safety hazard” (the hazard being happiness, apparently), and even tried to sue me! That lawsuit went about as well as a snowball in July — melted fast.

A judge in court | Source: Pexels

A judge in court | Source: Pexels

Their final attempt? Homeowners Against Bold Colors association, but my neighbors are awesome, and told them to shove it.

Now, those two are about as popular as a skunk at a picnic and alienated from everyone.

“Can you believe it?” my old neighbor Mr. Thompson boomed, striding over with a grin as wide as the sun on my yellow house. “Those two actually thought we’d jump on their beige bandwagon! Absurd!”

An older man smiling | Source: Pexels

An older man smiling | Source: Pexels

Mrs. Lee from across the street chuckled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “Honey, a bright house and a happy heart, that’s the motto around here, not whatever shade of bland they’re peddling.”

“Yeah, well, maybe this will finally shut them up!” I sighed. Little did I know, that was just the opening act in the grand opera of their disapproval.

Buckle up, because things were about to get much, much worse.

An extremely upset mature woman | Source: Pexels

An extremely upset mature woman | Source: Pexels

I had to go out of town for two weeks regarding work.

Two stinkin’ weeks cooped up in that stuffy city. Finally, the road stretched out in front of me, leading me back to my haven. My yellow house, bright as a sunflower against the boring beige of the neighborhood, should’ve been the first thing I saw.

Instead, a giant, GRAY block loomed from the curb. I almost drove right past it. My house, the one my late husband had painted a cheerful yellow, now stood painted a color fit for a forgotten grave!

A gray house | Source: Midjourney

A gray house | Source: Midjourney

I slammed on the brakes, the tires screeching a protest. Gray?

My stomach dropped. I was furious and instantly knew who was responsible for this makeover I didn’t ask for. Did those pale-faced neighbors think they could erase my spirit with a bucket of paint? Not a chance. My blood ran hot.

Two weeks cooped up in the city, and this is what I come home to?

A shocked woman | Source: Pexels

A shocked woman | Source: Pexels

My steps echoed on the sidewalk as I marched straight to the Davises’ house. They were the prime suspects, the beige bullies who couldn’t handle a splash of bright color in their bland world.

I practically threw myself against their door, pounding on it with a clenched fist. No answer. The audacity! To think they could change my home, my spirit, with a can of paint.

A brown door | Source: Freepik

A brown door | Source: Freepik

My neighbor Mr. Thompson came over, shaking his head. “I saw the whole thing, Victoria. Got pictures too. Tried calling you but the call wouldn’t get through. Called the police, but the painters had a valid work order. Nothing they could do.”

“What do you mean, a valid work order?” I asked, my voice shaking with anger.

A serious-looking older man | Source: Pexels

A serious-looking older man | Source: Pexels

Mr. Thompson nodded apologetically. “They showed the police the paperwork. Apparently, the Davises claimed you hired them to repaint while you were away.”

I felt my blood boil. “They forged my name on the work order?”

Mr. Thompson nodded. “Looks like it. I’m really sorry, Victoria. I tried to stop them, but they wouldn’t listen.”

“Let me see those pictures,” I said, my eyes narrowing.

An angry and upset mature woman | Source: Pexels

An angry and upset mature woman | Source: Pexels

He showed me photos of the painting company setting up and working on my property. “They had a work order in the name of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Davis,’ paid in cash,” he added.

I clenched my fists. “Of course they did.”

I checked my surveillance footage. And guess what? The Davises never set foot on my property. Clever. No trespassing. No charges. I called the police again, but they couldn’t do anything since the painters acted in good faith.

CCTV camera | Source: Unsplash

CCTV camera | Source: Unsplash

I was LIVID. How could these two nitwits do this to my house?

I needed a plan. I stormed back to my house and that’s when I saw it. The paint job was shoddy—traces of old yellow paint peeked through.

As an interior designer, I knew that the old paint should’ve been scraped off first.

Peeling yellow paint | Source: Pexels

Peeling yellow paint | Source: Pexels

I stormed to the painting company’s office with my ID and house documents.

“You painted my house without my consent and did a lousy job. This could ruin the house’s exterior. You know what… I’m gonna sue you,” I barked.

The manager, Gary, was aghast and trembled an apology before stammering, “But… but we thought it was your house.”

An upset man | Source: Pexels

An upset man | Source: Pexels

I furrowed my brows and yelled, “Of course, it’s MY HOUSE but I DIDN’T ask for any paint job.”

I was seething at this point and asked for a copy of the work order. Sure enough, it was in the Davises’ name. The manager was shocked when I told him what happened.

“Mr. and Mrs. Davis claimed it was their house and declined the scraping service to save money… said they’d be out of town and wanted it done while they were gone,” Gary explained.

A furious mature woman | Source: Pexels

A furious mature woman | Source: Pexels

I could feel my blood boiling. “And you didn’t think to verify any of this with the actual homeowner? You didn’t think to check the address or the ownership records?”

Gary looked genuinely apologetic. “We usually do, but they were so convincing. They even showed us pictures of your house, claiming it was theirs. I’m really sorry, ma’am.”

“And you didn’t check with anyone around? You just sent your men to paint my damn house??” I snapped.

An apologetic man covering his mouth | Source: Pexels

An apologetic man covering his mouth | Source: Pexels

Gary looked flustered. “I’m sorry, ma’am. We had no reason to doubt them.”

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure. “Well, now you know. And you’re going to help me make this right. This is beyond unacceptable, and someone needs to be held accountable.”

The manager’s temples beaded with sweat. “Absolutely. We’ll cooperate fully. We had no idea. This should never have happened.”

An angry mature woman talking to someone | Source: Pexels

An angry mature woman talking to someone | Source: Pexels

I nodded. “I want your workers to testify in court.”

When I filed a lawsuit, the Davises had the nerve to counter-sue, claiming I should pay for the paint job. Unreal. Pathetic.

In court, the painting company’s workers testified against them. My lawyer laid out how the Davises had damaged my house and committed fraud by impersonating me.

A judge in court passing a verdict | Source: Freepik

A judge in court passing a verdict | Source: Freepik

The judge listened intently, then turned to the Davises. “You’ve stolen her identity and damaged her property. This is not just a civil issue but a criminal one.”

The Davises looked like they’d swallowed lemons. They were found guilty of fraud and vandalism. They were sentenced to community service and ordered to repaint my house back to yellow, covering all the costs, including court fees.

An upset man creasing his brows | Source: Pexels

An upset man creasing his brows | Source: Pexels

Outside the courthouse, Mrs. Davis hissed, “I hope you’re happy.”

I smiled sweetly. “I will be when my house is YELLOW again!”

And that’s the tale of how I took my revenge. Sometimes, standing your ground pays off. What do you all think?

A mature woman sitting on the bench | Source: Pexels

He is a basketball legend and TV pundit who traveled to Europe for DJ commitments.

And Shaquille O’Neal took a break from his busy schedule as he soaked up the sun on a yacht in Formentera, Spain on Wednesday, surrounded by pals and a female pal secret.

The LA Lakers icon, 47, went shirtless in a pair of electric blue turtle-print swimming trunks as he hugged a bikini-clad beauty on the luxury liner.

Iconic: Shaquille O’Neal took a break from his busy schedule as he soaked up the sun on a yacht in Formentera, Spain on Wednesday, surrounded by friends and a female friend secret

Who’s that? Shaq was joined by a bikini-clad companion with the couple on cozy display

The woman showed off her lithe frame and stretched her midriff in a black string bikini, paired with matching bottoms that showed off her shapely legs.

7ft1 tall Shaq, who recently played a DJ set at the Tomorrowland festival in Belgium, showed off his hunky frame as he prepared for a spot of diving.

The pair looked comfortable in each other’s company as they chatted and soaked up the sun, with sports professionals also catching up with friends.

Shaquille, who is worth an estimated $400 million, wore a pair of white sneakers with gold soles as he dove into the crystalline waters, closely following his companion.

Hug: The LA Lakers icon, 47, dressed shirtless in a pair of electric blue turtle-print swimming trunks as he hugged a bikini-clad beauty on the luxury train

Legend: 7ft1 tall Shaq, who recently played a DJ set at the Tomorrowland festival in Belgium, showed off his hunky frame as he prepared for a spot of diving

Upper arm: The star hugged her glamorous companion as the pair went for an afternoon stroll

Lithuania: The woman showed off her incredible bikini body as she took to the deck

Looking great: The star looked happy as he chatted with friends on the yacht

In between his work as a sports analyst, Shaq became a worldwide DJ.

The basketball player stole the show at the Tomorrowland music festival last week, where he gleefully passed concertgoers while taking on the electric show.

In the video posted on Friday by Kill The Noise, the athlete bangs his head as the beat drops, before he gets a crater created around him by fans.

“DJing takes me back to my playing days,” the musician-turned-sportsman told the Los Angeles Daily News last year.

Waving it up: The star smiled as he took in the stunning view of himself on the yacht

Beauty: The woman looked incredible in a sparkling black bikini

Jungler: Shaq’s companion wears a scuba mask as she prepares to dive

Chatting: The couple looked in great spirits as they chatted on the yacht

Wander; Shaq showed off his best swimming moves as he prepared to dive

‘I missed that seven-mana game and when I was in the booth on a huge main stage in front of 50,000 fans, it felt like I was back in the finals.’

Shaq was last romantically linked to actress Annie Ilonzeh, 36, after the pair were photographed together in New York City in January 2019.

In 2009, the superstar divorced television producer for VH1’s Basketball Wives, Shaunie Nelson. The two share four children: Shareef, Amirah, Shaqir and Me’arah. He also has a child with ex-girlfriend Ametta Yarbourgh.

In 2011, the star confessed that he was unfaithful to his first wife, Nelson, admitting the following: ‘I’m a guy with too many options. Choosing to be with certain women, that’s up to me. I never in my mind did it disrespectfully, but clearly I shouldn’t have done it at all’.

In the summer of 2010, he began dating reality star Nicole Hoopz Alexander, but their relationship only lasted two years. From 2014 to 2018, he was linked to model Laticia Rolle, 31.

Scenery: The handsome star takes in the picturesque views on the top deck

Diving: The star showed off his diving skills by jumping into the water with his shoes on

All aboard: Shaquille climbs back on board after a fun afternoon of swimmin

Caitlyn Jenner Discusses Her Current Relationship with the Kardashians and Reflects on Personal Growth

Caitlyn Jenner, at 73, recently gave insights into her evolving relationship with the Kardashians following her transition. In a revealing interview with The Sun, coinciding with her appearance in the Sky documentary “House of Kardashian,” Jenner shared that she has had little contact with her former spouse, Kris Jenner, and step-daughters, Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney Kardashian.

Current Relations with the Kardashian Family

According to Jenner, her interactions with the family have significantly diminished. “I haven’t spoken to them (Kim or Kris); no, I pretty much do my own thing now,” Caitlyn disclosed, indicating a clear distance between her and the Kardashians. The release of the documentary’s trailer has reportedly left Kris Jenner “furious,” adding tension to their already strained relationship.

Life as a ‘changed woman

Caitlyn Jenner, who publicly came out as a trans woman over eight years ago, opened up about the personal transformations she has undergone. She discussed the pressures of appearance and the liberation she now feels. “At first, you take your appearance so much more seriously because for so long you had to hide all of this stuff. Now I just wake up in the morning and just be myself,” Jenner expressed, emphasizing her newfound comfort in living authentically.

Reflections on Family and Fame

Despite the familial estrangement, Caitlyn fondly recalled her time filming “Keeping Up With The Kardashians,” where she featured in over 400 episodes. “Those were some of the best times of my life,” she reminisced, acknowledging the unique opportunity to watch her daughters Kendall and Kylie grow up on camera.

Caitlyn Jenner nowadays

Jenner also commented on the success of her daughters, Kendall and Kylie, and her step-daughters, noting the friendly competition among them. She highlighted Kylie’s early entrepreneurial spirit with Kylie Cosmetics and Kim’s ventures like SKIMS, which have significantly bolstered their careers.

The Downside of Wealth

While discussing the luxuries of a wealthy lifestyle, Caitlyn noted that money does not necessarily bring happiness. “In the old days I had nothing, and I was happy – and I’ve also had a lot of money and it doesn’t make you any happier,” she stated, sharing a grounded perspective on life’s true riches.

Caitlyn Jenner’s journey through fame, family dynamics, and personal identity continues to be a poignant narrative of endurance and authenticity. Her current sense of isolation from the Kardashian family contrasts deeply with the integral role she once played, marking a bittersweet chapter in her life.

June Lockhart is beloved for her roles as iconic TV moms, but her career, which spans nine decades, includes much more. She starred on “Lassie” from 1958 to 1964 as Ruth Martin, Timmy’s mother (played by Jon Provost), who was Lassie’s companion.

From 1965 to 1968, she played Dr. Maureen Robinson, the family matriarch on “Lost in Space.” Lockhart’s career has continued with many other projects, and she’s also a mother and grandmother.

Extensive Television Career

Beyond “Lassie” and “Lost in Space,” Lockhart appeared in series like “Bewitched,” “Petticoat Junction,” “Magnum, P.I.,” “Step by Step,” and “Beverly Hills, 90210.”

She also appeared in nearly 40 episodes of “General Hospital.” Her more recent work includes a 2006 episode of “Grey’s Anatomy,” the TV movie “Holiday in Handcuffs” (2006), and the 2016 film “The Remake.”

Stage Success and NASA Involvement

Lockhart has also made her mark on stage, receiving the Tony Award for Outstanding Performance by a Newcomer in 1948 for “For Love or Money.”

Her interest in space exploration is personal as well as professional. A longtime NASA supporter, she was honored with the Exceptional Public Achievement Medal in 2013 for her work with the agency.

Lockhart has been involved with NASA since the 1970s, attending space shuttle launches, addressing employees, and promoting the agency.

Personal Life and Family Traditions

Lockhart has been married twice. She was married to John F. Maloney from 1951 to 1959, and they had two children, June Elizabeth and Anne Lockhart, who is also an actor. She married John Lindsay in 1959, and they divorced in 1970.

In a 2014 interview with the Fayette Tribune, Lockhart fondly remembered her first movie, 1938’s “A Christmas Carol,” in which she starred with her actor parents, Gene and Kathleen Lockhart.

Watching the movie has become a family tradition, and Lockhart enjoys watching it with her daughter, Junie, and granddaughter, Christianna. The family laughs at her first movie line, “I know, I know–sausages!” which has become a cherished family joke.

Lockhart’s Perspective on Life

In a 2015 interview with The Daily Item, Lockhart opened up about her perspective on life. “I’ve had many opportunities that just dropped into my lap over the years, and I’m glad I was equal to them,” she said. “I used to think 90, gosh, that’s old. But I feel 55. I’m very fortunate to still be active and working.”

Tommy Lee may be an accomplished actor, but some would argue he wouldn’t be where he is today without the love of his life, Dawn Laurel-Jones, to whom he’s been married since 2001.

The well-known Texan, renowned for his roles in films like ‘The Fugitive,’ ‘JFK,’ and ‘Lincoln,’ first met his future wife in 1995 while they were both working on the same film project.

The couple has been dedicated supporters of The Climate Reality Project, an organization founded by Jones’ close friend Al Gore. In 2012, they embarked on an expedition to Antarctica with the group and participated in an auction in London where Laurel-Jones sold some of her photographs from the expedition.

Credit / Christopher Polk / Getty.

“She took some beautiful pictures there. Of course, the ice is melting, and these pictures dramatized that somewhat. They’re very beautiful pictures. She sold 17, and that brought in a little over $401,000 to support this organization that we actually are a part of,” the actor told The Independent.


So who is Dawn Laurel-Jones?

In 1995, the now-husband-and-wife first crossed paths on the set of ‘The Good Old Boys.’ Aside from starring in the movie, it was Jones’ TV directorial debut. Laurel-Jones worked as an assistant camera operator.

At the time, Jones was still married to his second wife, Kimberlea Cloughley, whom he ended up divorcing in 1996.

Eventually, the couple tied the knot in a private ceremony in March, 2001, in Alamo Heights, Texas. Laurel-Jones’ sister, Deborah, who is an architect, even designed the groom’s quarters on the couple’s property, according to The New Yorker.

Jones already had two children from his previous marriage to Cloughley, Austin and Victoria, which meant that Laurel-Jones became their stepmother.

Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, and Josh Brolin at a photo call for “Men In Black 3”. Credit / Kevin Winter / Getty.

The couple has an unusual past time

Interestingly enough, and not unlike the royal family, Jones and his wife are keen polo players. In fact, in 2006 funded two teams that included himself and his wife, six professional polo players, and over 50 horses!

For six months the teams spent time as Jones’ farm and stables in Florida, with Jones telling The Texas Monthly: “We are at the top of our game. We can beat anybody, anytime, anywhere.”

As for Laurel-Jones, playing polo was new to her when she began her relationship with Jones. And despite never having played before meeting him, Jones said his wife was “one of the best women polo players in the country” even though “she didn’t even know how to ride a horse 10 years ago.”


Credit / Chris Weeks / Getty.

Where does the couple live?

The couple now lives together on a historic cattle ranch in Texas, which has a more than 150-year history. However, they like to maintain their privacy. Jones once told the Texas Monthly in 2006: “The gates are locked. We keep it shut down. Just friends and family, no outsiders. Just how I like it.”

He added, “In the summers, we’ll work cattle, and then at about seven o’clock at night, we’ll start playing polo. We’ll play until about nine, and then when we’re done, we put the meat on the fire and watch the dark come. It’s a good life. Everyone is happy.”

Additionally, Laurel-Jones and her husband split their time between their Texas ranch and a 74-acre polo estate in Buenos Aires, Argentina. What luxury!

Credit / Alberto E. Rodriguez / WireImage / Getty.

During the production of ‘The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada,’ a film directed by and starring Jones, his wife played a significant role as the on-set still photographer.

In fact, it ended up being a family effort, as their then-14-year-old daughter Victoria made an appearance in the movie. Though, Jones revealed that she overslept during filming, which led to him firing her. However, production staff secretly woke her and rushed her to the set, ensuring she appeared in time for her role, unbeknownst to Jones at the time.

What do you think of Tommy Lee Jones’ sweet love story? Let us know in the comments!


Helen Mirren believed that the bikini snapshot her husband captured of her on the beach would remain a private, intimate moment – but internet didn’t listen

Julie Andrews makes rare public appearance at 87, and everyone’s saying the same thing

In a whirlwind of celebrity romance, Anthony Kiedis, the iconic frontman of the Red Hоt Chili Peppers, has once again captured headlines with his latest romantic endeavor. At 61, Kiedis has been spotted engaging in a public display of affection with his new flame, a 19-year-old blonde beauty, shortly after parting ways with his 22-year-old model ex-girlfriend. Amidst the chatter of gossip columns and social media frenzy, the rockstar boldly declares, “This time it’s real love.”

Anthony Kiedis của Red Hot Chili Peppers làm dấy lên tin đồn chia tay với Wanessa Milhomem | Thư hàng ngày trực tuyến

The sighting of Kiedis, renowned for his magnetic stage presence and lyrical prowess, in the arms of his much younger paramour has sparked a mix of intrigue and speculation among fans and critics alike. With a notable age gap of 42 years between them, the relationship has inevitably raised eyebrows and ignited debates on the dynamics of age-disparate romances in the realm of celebrity.

Anthony Kiedis của Red Hot Chili Peppers làm dấy lên tin đồn chia tay với Wanessa Milhomem | Thư hàng ngày trực tuyến

However, for Kiedis, age seems to be merely a number as he unabashedly embraces this new chapter of his personal life. Friends close to the musician reveаl that his connection with his young girlfriend transcends superficial boundaries, rooted instead in shared passions, mutual respect, and genuine affection. Despite the skepticism from outsiders, Kiedis remаins resolute in his conviction that this romance is built on authenticity and sincerity.

Anthony Kiedis của Red Hot Chili Peppers làm dấy lên tin đồn chia tay với Wanessa Milhomem | Thư hàng ngày trực tuyến

“This time it’s real love,” Kiedis declares, dismissing any doubts or cynicism surrounding his relationship. For the seasoned rocker who has experienced the highs and lows of fаme, fortune, and heartbreak, this proclamation carries a weight of significance. It speaks to a newfound sense of contentment and fulfillment that has eluded him in previous dalliances.

Anthony Kiedis của Red Hot Chili Peppers làm dấy lên tin đồn chia tay với Wanessa Milhomem | Thư hàng ngày trực tuyến

The public display of affection witnessed between Kiedis and his young girlfriend serves as a testament to the intensity of their bond. Whether strolling hand in hand along the sun-kissed beaches of Malibu or sharing intimate moments at trendy Hollywood hotspots, the couple’s affectionate gestures paint a portrait of love in bloom.

As Kiedis navigates the complexities of romance under the scrutinizing gaze of the public eye, he remаins undeterred by the inevitable scrutiny and speculation. For him, love knows no bounds, and age is but a trivial factor in matters of the heart. In the ever-evolving landscape of celebrity relationships, Kiedis stands as a testament to the enduring power of love, defying conventions and embracing the extraordinary in the pursuit of genuine connection.

As the world watches with bated breath, eager to unravel the mysteries of Kiedis’ latest romantic escapade, one thing remаins certain: in matters of love, age is inconsequential, and true passion knows no limits. And for Anthony Kiedis, this time, it’s indeed real love.

Eric Burdon, the legendary musician and former frontman of The Animals, has recently made a unique investment by purchasing a villa in Iceland. The decision came about after a simple conversation with his wife, Marianna, who expressed her preference for the colder weather and the beauty of snowfall.

At 82 years old, Burdon’s decision to buy a villa in Iceland demonstrates his adventurous spirit and his desire to fulfill his wife’s wishes. Despite his iconic status in the music industry, Burdon remаins grounded and devoted to his family, prioritizing their happiness and well-being above all else.

The villa, nestled amidst Iceland’s stunning landscape, offers Burdon and Marianna the perfect retreat to enjoy the tranquility of nature and the magic of snowfall. Surrounded by majestic mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and the Northern Lights dancing across the sky, it’s a picturesque setting for creating cherished memories together.

For Burdon, Iceland represents more than just a new property—it’s a symbol of love and devotion to his wife, Marianna. By honoring her preferences and investing in a place where they can both find joy and contentment, Burdon demonstrates the depth of his commitment to their relationship.

As they settle into their new villa, Burdon and Marianna look forward to watching the snow fall together, savoring quiet moments of reflection, and embracing the beauty of Iceland’s rugged landscape. In their union, they find warmth and comfort, regardless of the chill in the air.

As fans and admirers celebrate Burdon’s latest adventure, they are reminded of the power of love to inspire new beginnings and to create lasting happiness. With his villa in Iceland, Burdon has not only fulfilled a dream but has also strengthened the bond between himself and his beloved wife, Marianna, proving that love knows no bounds, not even the cold of winter.

People all across the world fell in love with Princess Diana, the adored woman of her era.

We invite you to take a look down memory lane as we examine some uncommon and intriguing images that provide a deeper look into her remarkable life.

These are the kinds of moments that will make you smile and feel good.

Diana is pictured here on a skiing trip to Austria with her kids, Harry and William. This photograph was shot shortly after Harry turned nine years old. He’s adorable, and the whole family is stunning!

Diana and her children visited Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands in 1990, together with her sister’s children. The island was owned by Richard Branson of Virgin.

Diana knows how to have a good time. Look at this lovely photo of her and Harry visiting the amusement park Thorpe Park in 1992.

Princess Diana

Diana was dubbed “The People’s Princess” by many. She was involved in numerous humanitarian endeavors, offering a good example of how a kind and loving person should act.

Princess Diana is shown here visiting an Orthopedic workshop in Luanda, Angola, and sitting with land mine victims.


We could go on and on about Diana’s wonderful photographs. This one was taken in 1971, while she was on vacation in Itchenor, West Sussex.

Meanwhile, this one was taken outside Diana’s flat in Coleherne Court, London, before to her engagement to Charles.

Harry is pictured here sticking out his tongue to the crowd gathering around Buckingham Palace. Diana seemed to be taken aback.

Barbour is still a popular royal apparel brand, although Princess Diana may have worn it best.

Diana adored Barbour, and her journey to the Outer Hebrides in Scotland in 985 was the ideal occasion to wear her Barbour-style waxed cotton jacket.

Jayne Fincher, a royal photographer who captured some of Princess Diana’s most memorable images, trailed the royal couple everywhere they went. She’d rented a jet to travel to the Outer Hebrides, where Charles and Diana were on official business.

“When I caught up,” says Fincher, “Charles said, ‘Where have you been?’”

The Outer Hebrides are subject to extremes of wind and rain, which Princess Diana experienced during her visit there in 1985.But she looks great in the images from the trip, and photographer Jayne noticed something after going over the negatives.

“You don’t see Diana dressed like that very often. She looked so happy. It was pouring rain, but her makeup was perfect and un-smudged. I looked a mess, as usual,” she said.

The photo below was taken during Diana’s last summer alive. She is seen with her boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed on a boat in St. Tropez, France, jumping into the water.

The legendary Top Gun movie propelled Tom Cruise to stardom, but Kelly McGillis, who played his love interest, chose a unique path that diverged from Hollywood’s expectations.

Today, the 65-year-old actress looks different, having faced age shaming in recent years.

Watching Top Gun: Maverick, the sequel to the ’80s classic, many hoped to see McGillis, but she wasn’t part of the cast. Entertainment Tonight in 2019 asked if she was offered a role,

to which she responded, “Oh my god no. They did not, nor do I think they would ever.”

McGillis, at 65, embraces her age and body, stating, “I’d much rather feel absolutely secure in my skin and who and what I am at my age, as opposed to placing a value on all that other stuff.”

In the ’80s, McGillis, known for her roles in Witness and The Accused, became a symbol of beauty and brains in Top Gun, portraying astrophysicist and instructor Charlie Blackwood.

Her character, based on Christine Fox, a renowned flight instructor and mathematician, was pivotal. McGillis, with limited acting experience, found the sudden fame intimidating and later turned her back on Hollywood, focusing on family.

After The Accused, she married Fred Tillman, left Hollywood, had children, and opened a restaurant in Key West. In 2002, she divorced Tillman, and in 2010, she came out as a lesbian, marrying bartender Melanie Leis. The couple parted ways in 2011.

Today, McGillis lives a quiet life in North Carolina, away from Hollywood. Although she stepped back from acting, her legacy as the iconic Charlie in Top Gun endures.

Angus T. Jones, who played a boy named Jake Harper in the series “Two & a Half Men,” gained weight and looked “unrecognizable” during a public appearance.

The child star opened up about why he abruptly left the show after almost ten years and urged not to watch it.

Angus also got candid about his life after “Two & a Half Men” and revealed why he named himself a “hypocrite.”

He became a household name after starring alongside Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer in “Two and A Half Men,” but Angus T. Jones has since been relatively quiet regarding a Hollywood career.

In May 2023, he stepped out looking almost unrecognizable. Gone are the chubby cheeks and sweet features from his first days on the hit television series. Jones is all grown up and looking different!

In 2012, Jones announced that he would leave the show and said he had found God. He has been seen out and about in Los Angeles for the first time in a year. The former actor wore a casual look and attracted attention.

Jones, now 29, was seen walking around Los Angeles in a loose-fitting gray shirt and dark gray shorts with spectacles and a backward red cap. He also has a full beard and mustache, a stark departure from his baby-faced character on “Two and A Half Men.”

This outing comes just weeks after Jones was seen walking around his neighborhood without shoes. On that occasion, he was also dressed casually in a black t-shirt and shorts, which he paired with a gray beanie.

When fans saw Jones on both occasions, they had strong opinions about the former child star’s appearance. One said the weight Jones had gained since leaving the show is concerning because he was healthier when he left. The fan hoped there was nothing wrong with Jones.

Charlie Sheen, Angus T. Jones, and Jon Cryer on "Two and A Half Men" in 2003 | Source: Getty Images

Another fan said it was crazy that a child star looked completely different after eleven years, and another asked if others would have liked Jones to stay eleven forever. The fan then told readers that everyone had grown up and that everyone should leave Jones alone.

Some fans said they could not imagine working at such a young age and that everyone should leave him alone because he was allowed to do anything he wanted to and could change his appearance if he wanted to.

Another joked that he was heavier now than the onscreen housekeeper, Berta and others agreed with the fan. One more fan simply commented:

“He messed up.”

Before this appearance, Jones had remained out of the public eye for almost eleven years. This is how he now lives most of his life because he decided, after being a child star, that his Hollywood career was no longer serving him.

Why Did Jones Leave “Two and a Half Men?”
In 2012, Jones shared a ten-minute video explaining why he abruptly left “Two and a Half Men.” Jones mentioned he had found God and urged viewers to stop watching the show, too, saying:

“I’m on ‘Two and a Half Men,’ and I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it and filling your head with filth. People say it’s just entertainment. Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you’ll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch.”

Angus T. Jones at the premiere of The Santa Claus 2 at the El Capitan Theatre on October 27, 2002 | Source: Getty Images

Since he decided to leave the show, Jones has remained steadfast in staying away from Hollywood and his acting career. He mentioned he felt that the show was making light of problems that are issues for people worldwide.

Jones became a devout Christian in 2010 and said that his priorities changed after being baptized. The former actor mentioned that he loved his religion because it clarified everything for him.

Why Did Jones Call Himself A Hypocrite, and What Kind of Life Did He Have After the Show?
Just after Jones left the show, he spoke out about how he felt regarding the content of the episodes in 2014. Jones played Jake Harper for a decade, but when it came to an abrupt end, he talked about his feelings.

Apart from Jones believing that the show was making light of issues that people actually face in day-to-day life, He also admitted:

“And I was a paid hypocrite because I wasn’t OK with it, but I was still doing it.”

While he knew that he was not comfortable with being on the show any longer, he did make a final appearance on the show’s series finale. Yet he was not happy about being on the show for some years.

He later mentioned that he felt terrible for insulting the show’s creator, Chuck Lorre’s creation. However, he also confirmed that he did not regret anything he said about the show.

Talking about how he viewed the show and what it meant for him as a religious man, he mused:

“You cannot be a true God-fearing person and be on a television show like [‘Two and a Half Men’]. I know I can’t,” he said. “I’m not okay with what I’m learning, what the Bible says, and being on that television show.”

Jones is focused on his religion and even studied at the University of Colorado at Boulder and has remained largely out of the public eye but has not ruled acting out of his resume for good.

He mentioned that he would be willing to return to acting if he were to star in productions that were focused on his faith. He acknowledged that he would be ready to star in Bible-based stories.

He has become more relaxed with his views in recent years and is now the President of Entertainment at an events company called Tonite. He also has many other business endeavors under his belt.

Jones said he wanted to “come into the light” because he knew that’s where he would heal. He prefers now to spread his religion and ensure that everyone can find the healing he has.