
Flashout News


Prince William and Kate William are facing “intense anxiety” at the prospect of becoming King and Queen of England, according to The Independent.

The newspaper cites royal expert and former Vanity Fair editor Tina Brown as having put forward the idea that the Prince and Princess of Wales are perhaps not as enthused by the notion of ascending the throne just now as some people might believe.

Following King Charles’ shock cancer diagnosis back in January, William has been forced to step into his father’s role. Kate, meanwhile, will take on a more active hand in things once she is well enough to do so.

And while one might rightly assume that William has been groomed for the position of King ever since he was born, it would appear that the prospect is giving him cause for concern.

As per The Independent, Tina Brown said: “News of Charles’s cancer has put William and Catherine in frightening proximity to ascending the throne … The prospect of it, I am told, is causing them intense anxiety.”

Charles himself only took over from the late Queen Elizabeth in 2022 (having waited longer than any other heir apparent in British history), but released a statement in late January 2024 confirming that he had been diagnosed with cancer following a routine operation on an enlarged prostate.

Credit / Getty Images

Since then the King has been traveling back and forth between London and the royal estate of Sandringham, alternating between cancer treatment (which he receives in the capital) and time for rest and recovery.

Yet word of his sickness – and all that it might mean – was largely overshadowed by the mysterious circumstances regarding Kate Middleton after her “planned abdominal procedure”, which also took place in January.

Following almost three months of conjecture and intense speculation, the Princess of Wales too admitted that she had been diagnosed with cancer, much to the shock of royal fans around the world.

Ian Vogler-WPA Pool/Getty Images

In the wake of the respective health issues experienced by Charles and Kate, the likes of Queen Camilla and Prince William have been forced to take on more responsibility with regards to their roles within the royal setup.

Reports have implied that the situation is taking a toll on Prince William, who is obviously of a mind to prioritize caring for his wife. Yet depending on how things go for King Charles, the Prince of Wales may be thrust into an even more central role sooner rather than later.

As for Kate, she’s expected to return to engagements when she’s feeling up to it. Kensington Palace initially proposed a timeline that said the Princess would be back in action after Easter, but that was long before it was announced that she was suffering from cancer.

Now it would seem that Kate will be given all the time she needs to adequately rest and recover. She deserves that much, in any case, as does Charles.

What do you think? Are Prince William and Kate Middleton ready to take over in the near future? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box.

It was an ordinary afternoon back home from school when Owen Burns heard his sister screaming. He was annoyed at the intrusion her screaming brought, thinking nothing sinister of her squeals for help.

But when he looked out his window, he was shocked but recovered quickly enough to make a life-saving decision.


Owen Burns was settling in to play his favorite game “Call of Duty: Black Ops II” on his PlayStation 3 when he heard his sister screaming from their yard. The 13-year-old thought she was goofing around and became annoyed.

Moments later the teenager looked out his bedroom window to see a stranger trying to drag his 8-year-old sister to the woods edging their home.

The panicked teenager grabbed his slingshot and got his hands on any immediate ammunition he could find; a marble and a rock. He directly aimed at the kidnapper and hit him squarely between the eyes.

The second time, he hit him in the chest. “He was swearing. He was cussing,” Owen told the press.

So cops came back today searching agian for this dudes sweater and they found it was actually a shrit thing he threw in…

Posted by Maggie Kay Burns on Thursday, May 11, 2023

The encounter happened at the Burns’ home in Alpena Township in Michigan in broad daylight. Their mother Maggie Burns noted that kidnappings were unheard of in the area.

At the end of the encounter, his 8-year-old sister was safe albeit probably traumatized from the incident. The kidnapper was a 17-year-old that the Michigan State Police did not identify but have confirmed will be charged as an adult.

“He really is the one that … I believe saved his sister’s either life or from something seriously bad happening to her,” Lt. John Grimshaw said at a news conference, calling Owen’s actions “extraordinary.” This young boy’s actions were nothing short of heroic!


He added that the young man should be commended for his efforts.

The slingshot the teenager used was nothing out of the ordinary. His mother bought it on clearance for $3. The teen would at times go out to his yard and target practice on old orange juice cans which apparently perfected his aim.

The teenager said when he first saw a kidnapper attempting to abduct his sister one thought immediately crossed his mind; the stranger if successful in his attempt would likely either make his sister a sex slave or kill her.

Grimshaw recounted the encounter saying the kidnapper, “came from behind her, grabbed her like you see in the movies — hand over the mouth, arm around the waist — and was attempting to pull her into the woods.”


That is when Owen reached for his slingshot and fired at him. When his sister freed himself from the kidnapper’s grasp, she ran inside the home crying telling her brother she was almost killed. An enraged Owen ran outside cursing at the kidnapper. He hurled a baseball at him which missed. He then attempted to hit him with his slingshot again but the rubber broke and made his third attempt futile.

The siblings then called their mother who had stopped at a relative’s place to help out while she had been on her way home from work. When she heard her incoherent and upset children on the phone, she made out the word ‘kidnapper’ and rushed home to call the police.

“I was in shock for a few days,” Maggie said.

The 17-year-old kidnapper was found hiding at a nearby gas station. He was then charged with attempted kidnapping, attempted felony assault, and misdemeanor assault and battery in Alpena County District Court.


“He had obvious signs of an injury consistent with those that would have been sustained from the slingshot strikes to his head and chest,” police said in a press release.

Maggie said she was dubious of his son’s story about hitting the kidnapper from 200 feet away perfectly on his forehead and chest. But the police confirmed the story saying when they were interviewing the suspect, the marble-induced goose egg on his forehead kept growing.

“You said I always lie!” Owen said to his mother.

“I just couldn’t believe it,” she replied. “It just didn’t sound real, until there was proof. It sounds like something you would see in the movies.”

“Mom,” the teenager said, “stuff in the movies can and do happen in real life.” Clearly this young man is a hero!

This is such a wonderful story that shows the heroic efforts of a big brother protecting his little sister. Share this story with your friends and family to inspire them as well.

The Bee Gees were once one of the most successful and popular musical acts in the world. Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb were the group’s three brothers.

The brothers’ personal lives were as exciting as their spectacular ones as musicians. Only one of the three brothers that comprised the musical act is still alive, and he recently disclosed something quite unusual.





While his work life has been filled with great success, his personal life has been fraught with many terrible tragedies. He lost both of his brothers from the Bee Gees. His love life was also a persistent source of misery for him until he met Linda Gray, the former Miss Edinburgh.

They clicked and married on September 1, 1970. They’ve been through thick and thin together since then. But there was a difficult period in between when a successful actor had his sights set on Gray and was attempting to steal her away from Gibb.

The brothers all struggled with fame and turned to drugs to help them cope. Andy, Gibb’s younger brother, died in 1988 at the age of 30. Maurice followed in 2003, but died during surgery. According to sources, Barry and Maurice were not speaking at the time of his death. Finally, Robin died in 2012 as a result of cancer.

Because to his wife, Barry Gibb was able to get through it all without relying on substances or succumbing to addiction.

He said once, “My brothers had to deal with their demons, but I was married to a lady who wasn’t going to have it.” He explained, “I could bring drugs into the house, but they would end up down the toilet. She never allowed me to go in that direction. I had to deal with my brothers being pretty much out there, but I was lucky.”

“I’ve had to deal with loss, not just my brothers but my mother and father. But what I’ve learned from all of it is that things just roll on, and you roll on with them.” After he lost his brothers, Gibb embarked on his solo career.

Gibb was previously married to Maureen Bates before marrying Gray. It was his first marriage, lasting four years. Their divorce was finalized in July 1970, just two months before he married Gray. His marriage to Gray, on the other hand, has weathered the test of time. She stood by him through his most difficult losses.

In the realm of Hollywood romance, certain stereotypes have become deeply ingrained. We’re accustomed to seeing young, attractive couples flaunting their love on social media, or co-stars entangled in secret on-set affairs amid whispers of scandal. Additionally, the image of older men dating much younger, conventionally beautiful women is all too familiar. These narratives have been so prevalent that we often accept them as the standard, without much questioning. However, Pierce Brosnan’s story defies these expectations in a bold and unapologetic manner. Initially fitting into the stereotype as a leading man, Pierce Brosnan’s journey took a remarkable turn, challenging the norms along the way. Instead of adhering to the expected narrative of dating someone much younger or maintaining a facade of glamour, Brosnan chose a different route—one grounded in authenticity and genuine connection.

His relationship with his wife, Keely Shaye Smith, stands as a testament to this defiance of superficial expectations. Rather than seeking validation through societal norms or external perceptions, Brosnan and Smith’s partnership is built on mutual respect, profound connection, and enduring love. In a landscape where age gaps and surface-level appearances often dominate headlines, Brosnan’s unwavering commitment to his wife challenges these stereotypes head-on. Their love story transcends societal expectations, illustrating that true connection knows no age or appearance. By daring to challenge Hollywood’s romance stereotypes, Pierce Brosnan not only finds fulfillment in his personal life but also sets an example for others. He reminds us that love, in its purest form, is deeper and more meaningful than any scripted narrative.

Amidst the backdrop of a blissful twenty-year marriage, Pierce Brosnan and his wife, Keely, have recently faced a distressing challenge: Keely has become the target of unjust and intolerable hatred. Despite the strength of their bond, this unwarranted animosity has put their relationship under public scrutiny. In response to this adversity, Pierce has bravely stood up for his wife, publicly demonstrating his unwavering love and support. His actions serve as a powerful testament to his devotion, conveying a clear message: Pierce loves every aspect of his wife’s physique, regardless of others’ opinions.

Their love story began in 1994 when Pierce, still grieving the loss of his first wife, Cassandra Harris, met American journalist Keely Shaye Smith. The tragic passing of Cassandra in 1991 had left Pierce shattered, grappling with the daunting task of raising their three children alone. Keely’s arrival marked a turning point, offering him solace and support during a tumultuous period in his life. Despite the challenges they faced, Pierce and Keely’s connection blossomed into a profound partnership. Their relationship is a testament to love’s ability to heal and rejuvenate, even in the face of profound loss. Pierce’s public defense of Keely not only reflects his unwavering commitment to her but also serves as a rebuke to the unjust criticism she has endured. It highlights the strength of their bond and underscores the importance of standing by loved ones in times of adversity. As they navigate this difficult chapter together, Pierce and Keely’s love story continues to inspire, reminding us of the enduring power of love and resilience in the face of adversity.

Keely’s arrival in Pierce Brosnan’s life couldn’t have been more timely, offering him the support and encouragement he needed to navigate the challenges and joys of parenthood following the devastating loss of his first wife. Despite facing pressure from outside sources, Pierce’s declaration of love for Keely, embracing every aspect of her physique, is a poignant testament to the depth of their bond.

Their union was sealed in 2001, marked by the loving addition of two sons, Dylan and Paris, into their lives. Over the span of two decades, their connection has only grown stronger, as evidenced by Pierce’s recent heartfelt 20th-anniversary message to Keely, accompanied by photos illustrating the beautiful evolution of their relationship.Despite the evident strength and authenticity of their love, the couple continues to face unjust criticism, predominantly targeting Keely’s appearance, particularly her weight. This public reaction is both shocking and disappointing, revealing the persistence of harmful stereotypes and societal pressures. Critics often question Pierce’s choice to marry someone considered “ordinary” rather than pursuing someone younger or more glamorous, given his wealth and status. However, Pierce’s unwavering love for Keely challenges these outdated gender stereotypes and societal expectations of beauty and desirability.

Their enduring love story serves as a powerful reminder that true love transcends superficial ideals and societal norms. It reaffirms that genuine connection and mutual respect are the foundations of a meaningful and fulfilling relationship, regardless of external judgments or criticisms. In celebrating Pierce and Keely’s love, we challenge the notion that women must conform to narrow standards of beauty to be deserving of love and admiration. Their partnership stands as a beacon of authenticity and resilience, inspiring others to embrace love in its truest and most unconditional form.

As individuals age, priorities naturally shift, and the need for external validation diminishes as confidence and self-esteem become more internally grounded. Pierce Brosnan’s profound appreciation for his wife, Keely, extends far beyond mere physical appearance, exemplifying the depth and maturity of their relationship. In the journey of commitment, couples agree to grow and adapt together, recognizing that love is not a static event but rather a dynamic and evolving connection. Pierce’s steadfast respect for Keely, despite external pressures, speaks volumes about the strength of their bond.

In candid interviews, Pierce has revealed that some well-meaning acquaintances suggested weight-loss surgery for Keely. However, Pierce’s unwavering love and admiration for Keely transcend societal beauty standards. He cherishes her curves and imperfections, valuing her for her personality and loving heart above all else. His devotion to Keely has only deepened over the years, particularly as she embraced the role of motherhood, further solidifying their bond. While Pierce need not dignify offensive comments with a response, the couple’s public display of affection serves as a heartwarming reminder of the enduring power of love. As an older couple, their example challenges the unrealistic standards imposed on women’s bodies and appearances, promoting a more inclusive and authentic understanding of beauty and relationships.

Indeed, Pierce and Keely’s enduring love serves as a powerful testament to the depth and richness of a connection rooted in intellectual and emotional intimacy rather than superficial ideals. Their relationship underscores the profound truth that true attraction and desire stem from a genuine connection and understanding between partners. In a world often preoccupied with external opinions and societal pressures, Pierce’s unwavering devotion to Keely exemplifies the importance of prioritizing the bond shared between partners over outside judgments.

Their love story reminds us that lasting happiness is attainable when we hold our partners in high regard and embrace their imperfections as part of what makes them uniquely special to us. These viewpoints serve as a poignant reminder that love transcends superficial debates and societal expectations. In the grand scheme of things, what truly matters is the depth of the connection we share with our partners and the enduring love and support we offer each other. Ultimately, our love is more significant than any fleeting opinions or societal standards.

Lopez again forgot about her age and wore nothing under the coat! 😲🫣 The fans even had to close their eyes out of embarrassment when they saw their favorite star’s vulgar image which you can see in this article! 👇👇👇

It is hard to believe that this Latino-American diva is 54 since she ages like fine wine and gets only better through years. The iconic singer and actress has such a perfect figure that it easily lets her wear even most revealing outfits she can ever imagine.

Most of her fashion choices earn fashion critics’ admiration and praise, while people on social media never cease to heavily criticize her «inappropriate» style calling her a granny who doesn’t remember how old she is.

Camera lenses captured the show business star in olive trousers and an interesting coat under which there was nothing, can you believe? Some noticed that she wore a top under it, yet it was completely transparent and failed to cover anything.

When she is asked what keeps her one of the most desirable and in-demand celebrities, she proudly replies that she places great importance on the healthy lifestyle which includes eating right and periodically going to the gym.

One may say that for a woman her age she looks literally gorgeous and has no equals in the industry.

Feel free to share your opinion with us!

There are many celebrities who do their utmost to give off the impression that they’re still the down-to-earth, everyday men or women they were before they found fame, but few are half so convincing as Jennifer Garner.

Remember the time when the actress saved her family farm by buying it in 2017 to preserve her history? Or how about more recently, when she opened up on wanting to “normalize looking normal” after a pregnancy?

My point is, that Garner is a good egg, a kind soul, and a woman many people feel they can relate to.

This is why a part of me isn’t all that surprised that she’s getting attention for the adorable gift she purchased for her father’s birthday.

Garner’s father, who will turn 85 on September 21, has always played a key role in his daughter’s life – it’s clear to anyone who knows anything about the 51-year-old actress that she shares a deep bond with her parents.In order to surprise her dad with a nostalgic birthday gift, Garner traveled back to her hometown of Charleston, West Virginia for a fleeting visit.

And the Elektra star had planned something rather special for her father; a ride in the car of his childhood, from all the way back in 1948.“Dad’s early birthday surprise: a ride in his childhood car — 1948 Studebaker Champion — with kind and generous David King,” Garner wrote on Instagram, along with a photo of the father-daughter duo posing next to the vehicle in question.

Needless to say, fans reacted positively in her comments field, with many of the opinion that this is another instance of Garner showing her true, humble colors.“Like, as if we couldn’t love Jen Garner anymore than we already do,” one person wrote.“You seem like the kind of person everyone has such good, and happy memories of/with. West Virginia looks beautiful,” another added.“Just love how you’re so down to earth,” a third concluded.

Fox News continues to dominate the ratings leaving rivals MSNBC and CNN in the dust. Fox News delivered the third highest-rated year ever in cable news history for 2022 in total day viewers.

Fox finished the year as the number one cable network in primetime and total day in viewers in basic cable for the seventh consecutive year and the highest-rated cable news network for the 21st straight year.

According to data from Nielsen/MRI Fusion, Fox News attracted the most politically diverse audience in cable news with more Democrats, Independents and Republicans tuning in than any other network in total viewers and the younger A25-54 demo.

Fox News had its second-highest share of the cable news audience in its history with 53% in total day in the 25-54 demo. The network also drew 55% of the primetime audience in total viewers.

Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott said:

“From America’s choice on election night to the home of late night’s smash hit show, 2022 was a testament to our unmatched skill in delivering the most innovative news and opinion programming to our audience which continues to rank as the most politically diverse in cable news.

“I am beyond proud of our entire team’s incredible achievements this year.”

Fox News scored the top 13 out of 15 programs in cable news with total viewers, including The Five, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Jesse Watters Primetime, Hannity, Special Report with Bret Baier, The Ingraham Angle, Gutfeld!, Outnumbered, America’s Newsroom, The Faulkner Focus, Your World with Neil Cavuto, America Reports and The Story.

Fox also had the top 15 rated shows in A25-54 and the 13 highest-rated shows with the 18-49 demo.

Fox News’ hit show ‘The Five’ continued to break records.

For the first time in television history, a non-primetime cable program closed out the year as cable’s most-watched in total viewers.

Airing at 5 PM/ET, ‘The Five’ crushed all daytime and primetime programming on CNN and MSNBC, garnering cable news’ largest audience in 2022 with 3,432,000 viewers and 465,000 in A25-54.

According to Fox News:

Nielsen Cable News Ratings for 2022 (12/27/21-12/13/22) vs. 2021 (12/28/20-12/26/21)


FNC: 2,330,000 P2+ (down 1%); 346,000 25-54 (down 7%)

CNN: 730,000 P2+ (down 33%); 174,000 25-54 (down 36%)

MSNBC: 1,208,000 P2+ (down 21%); 133,000 25-54 (down 39%)

Total Day:

FNC: 1,489,000 P2+ (up 12%); 231,000 25-54 (up 3%)

CNN: 568,000 P2+ (down 27%); 123,000 25-54 (down 35%)

MSNBC: 733,000 P2+ (down 19%); 83,000 25-54 (down 35%)

Fox Entertainment hit a home run when they made a deal with Roseanne Barr. The American public, tired of the wokeness infecting the nation, needed something better than Whoopi Goldberg and “The View” for their morning television, and they got it.

Roseanne’s new show, “Barr None,” debuted on their streaming network at a 5.8, which is more than 13 points ahead of ABC’s totals for The View on April 6th of last year. “That comparison means we beat the pants off them,” said Showrunner Joe Barron, “Whoopi is sitting in her safe space having a good cry as we speak.”

The show featured an opening monologue, which leaned heavily on the wise words of Donald Trump, followed by a few skits from popular personalities like Rob Schneider and Scott Baio. Kid Rock was the musical guest, allowing Roseanne to use nearly a minute of one of his songs while she did an homage to the January 6 prisoners.

It was a lovely show. The audience all laughed, cried, and screamed in anger at the Muslims in Congress, for some reason, before chanting “Impeach Biden” for a solid five minutes, which is how this masterpiece of television ended.

“It was beautiful,” said Barron, “We hit nearly every talking point in just under an hour. I’m a little bit concerned about we’re gonna do tomorrow, but it doesn’t really matter.”

It sure doesn’t. According to Nielsen, Roseanne’s audience has an average IQ of about 67, with a high score of 104 for the guy who sold them all rapture insurance.

it was a great day for the culture wars, patriots. We’re definitely winning. God Bless America.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!

You have to see this incredible video of a woman who has not cut her hair in 20 (yes, 20) years. George Takei (who is a social media aficionado) shared the video on his Facebook page. The viral video (which shows the woman’s long hair in all its impressive glory) has been watched more than 25,000 times. Check it out:


Aliia Nasyrova is being called the real-life Rapunzel, and for good reason. Nasyrova’s hair is over 7 feet long, and weighs almost 4 pounds.

Nasyrova has not had a hair cut since she was 7 years old. She says she was inspired by the fairy tale of Rapunzel (a Brothers Grimm fairy tale, which inspired a 2010 Disney movie, “Tangled.”)

Speaking of tangles, how does Nasyrova care for her luscious locks?

First of all, the Instagram star is fortunate in that many high-end hair care brands donate products for her use. Still, it takes Nasyrova an hour to comb her hair, and nearly an entire day to dry.

And while she eschews full-on hair cuts, Nasyrova admits that she does trim her ends every month in order to keep her hair healthy and strong.

And what does her family make of her obsession with long hair?

Well, her husband Ivan Balaban jokes that he thinks of her hair as a “member of the family,” and that he always makes sure to leave a space for her braid in their bed.

He even says, “I always talk to the braid respectfully. Sometimes I ask it to move a bit.”

How funny! I love that he is so supportive of his wife’s mane. I know a lot of guys would probably be begging her to get a trim, but it seems that Balaban is happy with her gorgeous locks.

Nasyrova has no plans to cut her hair anytime soon, although she admits that she does receive some online comments urging her to “cut it, sell it or get rid of it.”

Let’s see how those haters feel when they need to climb out of a fairy-tale tower and there is no ladder handy.

Many people know Dolly Parton, the famous singer. She’s been a star for a long time and doesn’t plan to stop. When she was 18, she decided she wanted to be a star, and she made that dream come true.

Dolly’s childhood was tough because she grew up in a big family with not much money. Even though they didn’t have a lot, Dolly always wanted to look good. She got inspired by someone in her town.

But trying to look good didn’t go well with her grandfather. Dolly shared that he physically hurt her because of how she looked. Despite these challenges, Dolly stayed connected to music, which has always been a big part of her life.

She was born on January 19, 1946, in Locust Ridge, Tennessee. Growing up with 11 siblings, money was tight. However, her family loved music. Her mom sang and played guitar, and Dolly performed in church, learning more about music.

Music was a big deal for her family, and her uncles helped her take the next step. One of them gave her a guitar, and she started writing her own songs. By age 10, she performed on TV and radio in Knoxville, Tennessee. At 13, she made her debut on a national country radio station, Grand Ole Opry, making about $20 a week.

Dolly always loved fashion, and she often surprises her fans with her amazing looks and outfits. Despite facing challenges, she continues to do what she loves—making music.

Shutterstock/Bart Sherkow

When Dolly Parton was young, she really liked dressing up and making sure she looked good. She got the idea from a local woman who dressed in a flashy way. This woman wore tight skirts, high heels, and had fancy accessories. Dolly thought she was beautiful and would look for her whenever she went out, hoping to see something cool she was wearing.

But not everyone liked Dolly looking different and glamorous, especially her father, grandfather, and a preacher. Her father didn’t do anything about it, but sadly, her grandfather physically hurt her because of how she looked.

Dolly was sensitive and didn’t like being disciplined, but she was determined to be herself. Even though it cost her, she went for what she wanted. Years later, in 2011, she wrote a song called “The Sacrifice” about this experience. The song talks about how she was willing to pay a price for her dreams and believes it was worth it for her.

LOS ANGELES – 1978: Country singer Dolly Parton poses for a portrait session dressed as a playboy bunny, 1978 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Harry Langdon/Getty Images)

Dolly Parton always did things her own way. Even when her record label wanted to control parts of her private life, she stayed true to herself.

“I’ve always been true to myself,” Dolly said. That’s what her mom used to tell her: be true to yourself. She believes in doing things her way, in a way that aligns with her beliefs. It gives her strength because she can say, “I can stand by this, I can live by this.”

While she cared about what people thought, it never stopped her from being herself. Dolly finished high school, being the first in her family to do so. In 1964, at 18, she decided to focus completely on her music career. She left home and went to Nashville, the heart of country music.

“I had a dream and a talent, I thought. And I really believed it was going to happen.”

In Nashville, Dolly became a star quickly. She worked with Porter Wagoner on The Porter Wagoner Show, and people loved their performances. She signed a contract with RCA Records, and in 1971, she got her first No. 1 country hit with “Joshua.” More hits followed, including the famous “Jolene.”

Ron Galella, Ltd./Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

The song “Jolene” may only have 200 words, but it became a huge hit in the 20th century. Dolly Parton reached the top spot, No. 1, on the music charts. The song even got nominated for two Grammy Awards in the Best Female Country Vocal Performance category, for both the studio and live versions.

What’s more, “Jolene” earned the 217th spot on Rolling Stone magazine’s list of “the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time” in 2004.

Dolly Parton is a prolific songwriter, having written over 3,000 songs. Some of her other famous songs include “I Will Always Love You,” “The Seeker,” “Love Is Like a Butterfly,” and “All I Can Do.” She received numerous awards and became a worldwide superstar.

In 1977, she won her first Grammy with “Here You Come Again,” and more hits followed. In the 1980s, Dolly expanded into movies, starring in the hit comedy “9 to 5” alongside Jane Fonda. She even opened her own amusement park, Dollywood, in 1986.

Dolly has sold over 100 million albums, topped the country chart 25 times, and won eight Grammy Awards. Despite all her success, she keeps creating new music, saying, “Almost every day I come up with a few song titles or a sweet melody.” She feels young at heart, claiming to be 35 in spirit and mind, even though she’s achieved so much in her career.

Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Dolly Parton, the famous singer, found the love of her life more than 55 years ago. In 1964, when Dolly was 18, she met Carl Dean outside a laundromat in Nashville, Tennessee. Carl was 21, and right away, he felt there was something special about her.

“When I first saw her, I thought, ‘I’m gonna marry that girl,’” Carl said. “And my second thought was, ‘Lord, she’s good lookin.’ That was the day my life began. I wouldn’t trade the last 50 years for nothing on this earth.”

Dolly remembered that he hollered at her from his pickup truck, but when he asked her out, she said no. Instead, she invited him over while she was babysitting her nephew a few days later. That marked the beginning of a love story that has lasted.

In May 1966, Dolly and Carl got married in a private ceremony in Ringgold, Georgia. Even though her record label wanted them to wait because of her music career, they didn’t want to. They chose Georgia for the wedding to keep it private, with only Dolly, Carl, and her mother attending.


Dolly and Carl have been in love for a very long time. However, he doesn’t join her on the red carpet at award shows or charity events, except for one time when she received her first songwriting award at the age of 20.

After that event, as Dolly recalled, they got in their car and headed home. Carl turned to her and said, “Dolly, I want you to have everything you want, and I’m happy for you, but don’t you ever ask me to go to another one of them dang things again!”

In 2016, they celebrated their 50th anniversary, and to make it special, they renewed their vows. Dolly said it was a sweet and special moment for them. Despite being in the spotlight, they’ve kept their love strong and private.

“We didn’t feel any pressure at all. We had our own little ceremony in a small chapel on our property. After that, we went in our little RV down to Ringgold, Georgia, and spent the night where we got married 50 years ago. We took some beautiful pictures, got all dressed up, and had a lot of fun, really.”

“We’ve always been good buddies. We have a lot of fun and a lot of respect for each other. It was his first marriage and mine, and we never thought we’d ever want to do that again. Why bother?”

Dolly Parton has been in the entertainment business for her whole life, and it has been great to have the support of her one true love through it all. Nowadays, they can pretty much do whatever they want, and we truly think they deserve it all.

But there’s one thing that Carl and Dolly decided against – having children. Dolly had a simple reason for not wanting kids: her career.

Now, Dolly Parton is 77 years old, but we hope to see her perform and make albums for many more years.